Unconventional Founder: The Treacherous Journey of Founding and Running a Startup in Africa ~Bramuel Mwalo

2 min readJan 31, 2023

The rise of social media has brought with it a picture-perfect narrative of startups. Every day, entrepreneurs of all ages are bombarded with stories of seemingly overnight successes from startup founders.

This unrealistic narrative often leads many entrepreneurs to overestimate their chances of success and underestimate the magnitude of the challenges they would face.

Stories of the struggles are often swept under the carpet and never openly discussed. Without knowing what to expect, many entrepreneurs jump into the startup world with both feet and fail after a year or two.

As an unconventional founder, I understand the importance of sharing our story and breaking this picture-perfect narrative of startups. That’s why I’m launching a series of vulnerable and unfiltered posts that shed light on the challenges that startups face.

The series will cut across the following five pillars:

  • The treacherous path of fundraising
  • The dark reality of startup hiring and firing
  • The harsh reality of broken promises in startups
  • The duality of responsibility: Navigating the challenges of being a startup founder
  • The walking dead: Navigating a founder’s life balance dilemma

Join me on this journey as I openly share my journey and the struggles that come with building a startup in Africa.

~Bramuel Mwalo




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